Pearl & Muse

Pearl: (noun)
1. A dense variously colored and usually lustrous concretion formed of concentric layers of nacre as an abnormal growth within the shell of some mollusks and used as a gem.
2. One that is very choice or precious.

Muse: (verb)
1. To become absorbed in thought, to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively.
2. To think or say reflectively.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dear Muse

Dear Muse,
The days of Winter are closed and Spring has arrived. Interesting how the cold days hang on for a bit longer, the warm days fighting their way to the front of the line. The birds are coming back in droves, and have been watching them arrive daily. I saw my first robin of Spring sometime last week or so, and now the starlings are attempting to roost in our back porch roof again this year. We tried to stop them by blocking the openings but they've found a way in. Mother Nature is unstoppable....
Muse, I'm being called to wrap up loose ends with unfinished projects these days. It feels gratifying to complete something but yet not quite fulfilling to be finished when I turn and look at the pile that still waits for me to work my way to the bottom. Do I become discouraged about working those projects to completion, especially when I want to dive into another? Yes and yet I know that completion of one endeavor before moving into the realm of manifesting another is necessary to my creative abilities, otherwise it only clouds my windshield view on life and pushes me to procrastinate.
I feel and hear the winds of change blowing through the trees today, ushering in a new time to come. Sometimes I feel like a pre-emerged butterfly, shaking and morphing, waiting....

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