Pearl & Muse

Pearl: (noun)
1. A dense variously colored and usually lustrous concretion formed of concentric layers of nacre as an abnormal growth within the shell of some mollusks and used as a gem.
2. One that is very choice or precious.

Muse: (verb)
1. To become absorbed in thought, to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively.
2. To think or say reflectively.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Intuition the shoreline, feeling the lap of the foam bobbing waves....listening to the gulls call to each other while flying overhead and walking the hot, grit of the sand...musings....
Intuition: (noun)
1. quick and ready insight.
2. a. immediate apprehension orcognition. b. knowledge or conviction gained by intuition. c. the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.
A new month of creative projects to look forward to. Yet, I can already feel a difference, perhaps a settling of sorts, into the deeper aspects of what it means to be creative, what it means to go with the flow of the river's current. What does it mean to me to just be and move with what my heart and mind guide me to do when it comes to creativity? I look out the window, see the sun shining and feel the warmth of the sun's rays, hear my toddler tearing about his toy cart (this too shall pass), and know that I have to focus, if only for a couple of hours to be creative. My endeavors with creativity this week is to write, to get caught up with my writing, reading and researching. My gardening aspects? I can move out into the natural world this evening, after dinner. I promised my toddler that we would go outside and water plants and flowers tonight after dinner; teaching him the aspects of conserving water by caring for the plants in the morning and evening hours. I can feel myself re-connect with nature by taking time to water, weed, and monitor the growth of what we are anticipating to eat this season to come.
Musings....of days gone by, of days lived with each moment, and of days to come....intuition.

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